You need only three simple ingredients for this recipe:

1 liter of sheep’s milk

1 organic, sugar-free plain yogurt

Half an organic lemon

For a vegan alternative, use a blend of coconut and almond milk, and probiotic capsules in place of yogurt.

Required Utensils:

1 meter of hydrophilic cotton gauze

1 jar

1 mold


Gently heat the milk for 15 minutes without boiling.

Extract juice from half a lemon.

After heating the milk, mix in the yogurt and lemon juice.

Let the mixture rest for 3 hours.

Strain the mixture through the gauze, collecting the curds.

Refrigerate the curds in the gauze under a weight for 30 minutes.

Season with salt and place in a mold.

Refrigerate again for 8 hours.

There you have it – your own homemade fresh cheese is ready to enjoy! This straightforward process will allow you to experience the joy of making and savoring your own cheese. So go ahead, give it a try and celebrate the delightful world of cheese making. Bon appétit!